PirlChat messenger version 1.0.4 released

PirlChat is a secure, secure messenger that is a decentralized and encrypted messaging system that works with the Pirl blockchain and is part of the Pirl blockchain network ecosystem. PirlChat is positioned as a messenger with complete inaccessibility to hackers, as well as large corporations that can use personal data for their own purposes. You can read more about the PirlChat messenger, the Pirl network and the plans of the developers in this article , as well as in the review of beta versions 0.5.1-0.6 .

#PirlChat pic.twitter.com/4yJaglFAQ7

— Pirl.io (@PirlOfficial) November 13, 2019

What is important in the updated version of the PirlChat 1.0.4 messenger?

Version 1.0.4 adds two most important functions for a modern messenger, without which it is difficult to imagine correspondence today, namely: the ability to exchange photos and the ability to exchange audio messages.

PirlChat private messenger version 1.0.4 is currently available in the App store for Apple devices, as well as in Google Play for devices with Android 5.0 and higher.

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