Create SkyPirl 2.0 wallet

Pirl 2.0 - Portal:

Go to SkyPirl 2.0 Portal -

The new Pirl portal contains wallets,explorer,stats,voting,staking ++

Step1: To open a new Pirl Account/wallet on the new chain, click “Add account”

Step2: Create backup of Mnemonic and store in a safe place.

Step3: Insert a wallet name. Important! Make a password for your new account Click “Next”

Step4: Click “Save” to generate the new wallet and new Keystore file. Important! Remember to backup your wallet info, and keep it somewhere safe. YOU are the only responsible for your own wallets.

Step5: Check on your computer or phone has the Json file loaded? If not, click "Create a backup filr for this account"

Note: You will have to pay 0.01 Pirl coin to activate 1 new wallet.

SkyPirl(Pirl) Rumhaus

Last updated