Node Endpoints

Ideally, one may run their own node when interacting with the Polkadot network via Polkadot-JS Apps or other UIs and programmatic methods. Another option would be to connect to one of the several public endpoints provided by infrastructure and API service providers. For development convenience, Parity Tech maintains archive nodes for Polkadot, Kusama, and their test networks with public endpoints. These endpoints can be used with Polkadot-JS API to interact with their respective chains. The tables below list these endpoints.

Network Endpoints

Main Networks

Test Networks

Example usage with Polkadot-JS API

To connect to the Parity node, use the endpoint in your JavaScript apps like so:

// Using the Polkadot Mainnet Endpointconst { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api');async () => {  // Construct a provider with the endpoint URL  const provider = new WsProvider('wss://');  // Create an API instance for Polkadot  const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider });  // ...

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