How to vote for Council

Hey fellows ! In this guide, you will see how to cast your vote for nominate council member

It's pretty straigthforward but I think it's important to do a note on this, cause it's an important process in SkyPirl 2.0

All proposals and treasury tips are submitted to the vote of the council. They have the power to improve the network. So i'ts important to cast your vote and choose wisely.

Go on council page

You can see some info like current council members and candidates for next election. Council members are elected for 7 days.

On the top right, you can either vote for next election or submit a candidacy to be maybe into the next council.

Click on vote to cast your vote.

You can see your vote value (equal to the pirl amount of your account used to vote)

You can votes for more than 1 user. Just be carefull because vote is prioritized.

Do not forget The amount used for vote will be locked (not available for transfer)

SkyPirl(Pirl) Rumhaus

Last updated