xTer TrueAD
xTER TrueAd
New way to plan and run online advertising
Plus Ad-management
Based on xTER SmartFilter router
Full browsing data for connected devices
Location-based focus groups
No click-driven incentives = uninfluenced data
With option for AI-added management of Ad's and URL's on user device
How it works
Growing and synergetic
Ecosystem that builds success
Focus groups are based on growing community of xTER SmartfFilter and xTER Home/Office users
xTER TrueAd collects anonymized personal data from users, location info, browsing & clicking history and tech spec's of connected devices
Ad's & URL's on user devices can be managed by AI as requested by corporate clients of xTER or according to preferences of xTER users
Participating users get rewards in SkyPirl
Why it is great
New & different approach
True, efficient and going on way
is driven by synergies of xTER Ecosystem
Fact-based, unaffected and relevant data
Global and diversified network of focus groups
Audience can be selected as required
Own vehicle to by-pass rules set by global vendors of online advertising
AI is already added
Room-House.com SkyPirl Pirl Rumhaus
Last updated